Monday, September 24, 2012

Golf Stretches

It’s safe to say that there are a ton of injuries that occur in golf. Whether an individual ends up with back problems, pulls a muscle during the golf swing or anything else, it’s usually because they didn’t do any golf stretches before playing. Oh, and if you think simply placing a club between your arms and behind your back is enough, think again.
Just like any other sport, the better you warm up your muscles with golf stretches, the easier it will be to make each hit. In fact, the next time you go out and don’t stretch, keep track of any discomforts you feel throughout your round. When you go out again, stretch before you play and you will definitely notice the difference. In the meantime, we’re going to give you a few options to help you get started.


Since the back is one of the most common injury areas amongst golfers, it’s wise to do some bend-overs. It’s as easy as spreading your legs a bit and trying to touch the ground. Granted, most of us can’t even come close to touching it, but you will still be able to stretch those muscles.
Another way to work on the back is by lying on your stomach and just pushing up the front half of your body. You will notice pressure on the lower back area. If you can utilize both of these golf stretches you can loosen up your back for those twists and turns throughout the round. Plus, afterwards the area won’t be as sore.

Knee Tucks

Your hamstrings are going to be utilized a lot throughout a round, so it’s important to stretch those out. While walking the course will help, doing a few knee tucks will allow them to stretch a bit more. While you’re standing, just try to bring your knee as high up as you can, then hold the position.
When you bring it back down, don’t forget to do the other one. Taking the time to do this will allow you more balance throughout your swings, and allow you to shift your weight accordingly. These golf stretches will be a major piece to your overall score.

Neck Pulls

Most people forget about how important it is to stretch the neck. So we thought we would add it in here today. Just stand tall and take your right hand and pull your head as far to the right as you can. Hold the position for anywhere from 10-15 seconds, then release. You should do this in all directions (North, South, East, and West).
You will find that your golf swing doesn’t feel nearly as uncomfortable, especially in your backswing. Plus, if you provide golf stretches in each direction, this will protrude down into your backbone and shoulder area. It’s one of the most overlooked golf stretches out there, but it makes a huge difference.
There are many other golf stretches to choose from, but these are a big part to different aspects of the game. Our recommendation is to do them before you even drive to the course. Loosening up before getting into the car will make you feel a lot better getting out. Plus, while you’re at the course you can use some of the normal golf stretches everyone else does…without the embarrassment.

1 comment:

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